September 8th, 2011 by Clark Humphrey

from thestand.org

  • The Longview longshoremen’s labor action has spread to the Port of Seattle, which is what it took to get the Seattle media to notice it. While few were looking, Wash. state became one of the few places where labor is directly striking back.
  • Ready for another cold, rainy and/or snowy winter?
  • So much for the great biotech job boom hope: Dendreon is laying off at least a quarter of its staff.
  • Who’s replacing C.R. Douglas as a public affairs host at the Seattle Channel? The same guy Douglas replaced on KCPQ.
  • Update: Here are some remembrances of the tragically gone-from-us Espresso Vivace favorite Brian Fairbrother.
  • Seattle-based activists have filed suit to block the State Route 520 replacement project.
  • I like the Tiger Bar in Georgetown. It’s sad to hear about one of its owners allegedly going off-hinge.
  • Pete Jackson has vivid memories of Everett’s last pulp-and-paper mill.
  • The combined offices and server farms of Google are responsible, in the company’s own estimates, for 1.5 million tons of CO2 sent into the atmosphere annually. But Google insists it’s still more energy-stingy than the average dot-com.
  • I won’t link to very many 9/11 anniversary hype pieces, but here’s Janine Jackson wondering if we can ever get our civil liberties back.
  • There have long been people who’ve whined about the imminent death of “the word” in a culture cluttered up with images. But now here’s a voice from the other side as it were. At the Columbia Journalism Review, Dave Marash proclaims that “for the first time in history, mankind is developing a universal language: video.” In particular, he cites the amazing news footage generated by world broadcasters and by amateurs in this year’s Mideast uprisings. But then Marash bashes U.S. TV news for not showing enough of these pictures, instead filling time with pontificatin’ pundits.

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